Few days back many Feminists media reported “40,000 Women Went Missing In Gujarat In 5 Years: NCRB Report” and below news.

According to official figures, almost 40,000 women went missing in Gujarat over a five-year period. According to data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), 7,105 women went missing in 2016, 7,712 in 2017, 9,246 in 2018, and 9,268 in 2019, and 8,290 women went missing in 2020. A total of 41,621 people went missing within five years.
According to a declaration made by the state administration before the Assembly in 2021, 4,722 women went missing in Ahmedabad and Vadodara in just one year (2019–20).

Women Missing In Gujarat
While the government frequently introduces programmes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojna, Mahila Shakti Kendra, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, etc., they haven’t been able to stop the violence against women in India.

Additionally, a comparison of the numbers that have grown each year between 2016–17 and 2017–18 reveals that whereas the former had a rise of 14,361 missing women, the latter saw a leap of 35,239 missing women, more than double the previous increase.

And these are incidents that have been reported by the missing women’s relatives, with more explanation provided by state police authorities.

The missing individuals are divided into three gender/sex groups in the table: male, female, and transgender persons. Women have undoubtedly been in the forefront when it comes to the Missing Persons Report. Additionally, the data shows that the number of missing women climbed from 2016 to 2018, which further suggests that the socio-political climate today has only been more unstable and contributed to such perilous situations.

Former IPS officer and current member of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, Sudhir Sinha stated that she encountered multiple cases where young girls and women were abducted and transported to another state. The women were then often pushing into sex work.

Sinha added, “The issue with the police system is that missing person situations are not given significant consideration. ”

Dr Rajan Priyadarshi, a former additional director general of police said that human trafficking was a major reason why women went missing. He noted that while he was in the police force, he observed that “the bulk of the missing women” had been taken by unlicensed human trafficking organisations and transported to another state.


The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) of India is a government agency that collects and compiles crime statistics from across the country. According to the NCRB’s latest report, which is for the year 2019, Gujarat has reported 4,458 cases of missing women and girls, which is a decrease from the previous year.

It’s important to note that this figure represents the number of cases of missing women and girls that have been reported to the authorities, and it does not necessarily mean that all of these cases involve actual instances of abduction or trafficking. Many cases of missing women and girls are resolved quickly, with the missing person being found safe and well. However, there are cases where the missing person is not found or is found in tragic circumstances.

It’s also important to be cautious about any reports or statistics that are not directly from the NCRB, as they may not be accurate or reliable. If you have concerns about the situation in Gujarat or any other part of India, it’s best to seek out information from reputable sources and organizations that are working to address issues related to women’s safety and well-being.


There are media reports citing data sources of National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), New Delhi that 40,000 women have gone missing in Gujarat in 5-years. However, out of 41,621 women gone missing during the period 2016-20 as per the data published in Crime in India-2020

published by National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), New Delhi, 39,497 (94.90%) of the missing women have been traced by Gujarat Police and they are united with their families. The said information is also part of Crime in India, 2020.

The investigation has revealed that women go missing due to family disputes, elopement, failure in examinations etc. However, investigation into missing person cases has not revealed episodes of trafficking for sexual exploitation, organ trafficking etc.

The local police carries out investigation into missing person cases as per the guidelines of Supreme Court of India and the data is fed into a dedicated website for tracking by other state police units as part of the coordination at the national level.

As per Gujarat Police all are found and united back to their family and only 503 are still untraceable. but NCRB or any Feminist media will not say only 503 are missing, they want to show bigger figure to claim funding, when this figure goes to WCD or NCW it will be doubled or more. but now both WCD/NCW will not make any noise or issue notice to police because Gujarat is ruled by BJP and home state of PM Narendra modi, its will be a remark for him so Police also under pressure to find the missing or instruct NCRB to correct the data, they are taking down media reports and Indian express news is already deleted, soon other feminist websites will delete this news.

NCRB not only publish FAKE data, as per feminists/WCD/NCW wanted, they can give at the year end deducting traced/acquitted persons. but they will not do, if they give low figures Feminists cant claim more funds from the government. Not only that NCRB publish data women related only, if they show more men are committing suicide, or harassed by women, Feminists cant claim any funds.

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